Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Very Encouraging...

As if the news from my Aunt Marilyn weren't encouraging enough, I talked to Katie last night and she told me a couple of things.

First, when Katie and Maura visited yesterday Dad was just coming back from physical therapy and the therapist said, Dave, let's show them what you were working on today. My Dad was able to walk a short while WITHOUT the walker! When I talked to the physical therapist in early July he said he originally never expected my Dad to walk at all and at that point he was using a walker. Now he's starting to be able to walk without it. Wow.

Secondly, my Dad typically doesn't remember who visited him when we ask but yesterday he gave Katie a name. When she checked the guest book, sure enough, that person had visited earlier in the day!

We all know Dave can do anything he puts his mind to, so happy to see him working so hard and proving all those doctors wrong.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Aunt Marilyn & Uncle Milan Visit

I got an email from my Aunt Marilyn this week that I wanted to share about her and my Uncle Milan's visit (Dad's sister and brother):

Milan has visited David several times now and I have seen him twice. I was there with Jack and grandkids Justin & Mackenzie today and Milan came in while we were there. Mackenzie (she's 6) made a get well card for Uncle David on the computer yesterday and gave it to him today.

Milan saw David walk all the way from the exercise room to his room. He could slide his right foot on the floor. The therapist said he could grip the parallel bars with his right hand and hadn't been able to before.
