We (Katie & Maura) took David out to dinner on Sunday. That man can still eat his food and anything I don't eat. He really enjoyed himself. Oh, and Laura Tucker was working. He loves to see her!
Quick story.....After dinner on Sunday David wanted to go for a drive so I asked if he wanted to go up on the river. That was a no. So I kept asking “Do you want me turn?” at every road as we made our way down M-59. Finally I asked him to just tell me when to turn, which he did. We ended at a house in Mt Clemens that I had never been to before. I didn't want to go to the door but he insisted...so I did. Unfortunately no one answered the door and we left. I was wracking my brain trying to figure out whose house he took us to because he couldn't tell me. After thinking about it overnight I figured out it was the Dave that David worked with and had become friends with in the last couple of years. So I called the guy to confirm where he lived and it was his house. I knew David could find his way around but I was impressed that he directed me to someone’s house. His friend has invited us over for a BBQ as soon as we can arrange a day. I also told him to visit David anytime!! “