Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas!!!

Happy Holidays from Denver
 and from Michigan
Merry Christmas from our family to yours. Happy Holidays!

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving

A little late, but Happy Thanksgiving! My Dad, Katie, and Maura went to Katie's family for dinner and fun was had by all. Before Thanksgiving Dennis Wiese came in town and everyone went out for dinner, below is what Dennis sent me on the visit. My Dad has been getting more speech therapy and the new therapist is a dream from what I've been told. It is amazing how one person can make a difference. Everyone has commented on the improvements. Thanks to Dennis for letting me know how the visit went!


For your blog. 

I stopped by to see Dave Monday Nov 21. He was in great spirits. He took me on his rounds to see staff and his many friends. He preferred that I push him around, then used his good foot as a brake when he wanted to stop. He understood all I said, and was able to think out how he wanted to respond, but just can't find the words to do so. Katie somehow managed to keep his speech therapy going.

On Wednesday, Katie, Dave, Maura, and I went to Outback. All three of them looked super. Katie has her 'take Dave out to dinner technique' down to a science, and needed no help getting him from car to wheel chair and back again.  He ordered short ribs and I thought, "This is going to be interesting." Katie stripped the meat off the ribs and everything worked great. It looked like Dave had lost some weight and Katie has said he is very tired of the Martha T Berry food, which all adds up. 


these pics aren't from Tgiving - they were from a few weeks earlier 
but I thought I would share